While at the OKCAC meeting on friday, several folks asked what my saturday evening plans were. I advised that I had none, and they invited me out to windsurfer point on Lake Hefner where several club members were holding an informal star party of sorts. I waffled on the idea several times due to wind and clouds, but was glad I decided to go. The wind was atrocious and the sky was particularly hazy, from New Mexico wildfires I am told. I said hello to my friends and started setup a little to late, as the sun was setting when I got there. I got my scope setup and had a heck of a time getting alignment, as my finder's batteries had died. I did the best I could with the 40mm and hazy, light polluted sky. Did a two star align on vega and spica. Finally got the scope to cooperate, but the wind had picked up even more. Saturn was spectacular, but almost impossible to view due to the wind gusts. I broke out the DMK21 camera for some imaging, but wasn't able to attach a barlow. When attached, the wind gusts would move the target completely out of frame. I was very surprised, but I did get some almost decent data to stack. Here it is for what it is worth.

I played around with various targets, at one point slewing to the Ring nebula, M57. The skies were so bad I could just barely see it, but it was there and pretty obvious. I was really shocked to see it under the hazy, light polluted sky of the OKC metro, but it was there. Tried M51, but no joy. Could barely make out m104 with averted vision. Mars was a bright red ball, but has traveled to far away for any surface detail, at least with my modest setup. I enjoyed seeing everyone last night, the fellowship is worth as much to me as the observation. On a side note, the club pres. made me an amazing deal on a Celestron CG-5 goto equatorial mount. It has a cosmetic issue, a cracked declination motor cover. I can always replace that later, but the deal I am getting is too good to pass up. I am going to pick it up this coming weds. and can't wait. Seriously feels like week before christmas.
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